Student Page Program for Maryland High School Seniors

***The Maryland General Assembly (MGA) will host student Pages

for the 2024 Legislative Session***

During the 2024 Legislative Session, the Maryland General Assembly (MGA) will host student pages. Since 1970, Maryland's high school seniors have had the opportunity to learn about the legislative process by serving as student pages during the annual session of the Maryland General Assembly. The program was begun by House Speaker Thomas Hunter Lowe and approved by the Maryland State Board of Education. Each year, 105 pages and 36 alternates are selected from across the State to represent their schools and counties in Annapolis.

The MGA Page Program is non-patronage and open to residents of Maryland who attend Maryland public and nonpublic high schools. Students must be seniors who are at least 16 years old. Each county has a county page coordinator, appointed by the local superintendent of schools, who oversees the application and selection process for their county. The county page coordinators work in coordination with each of their county high schools. Application to the program is based on the school and school system the student attends, not where the student lives. Each county’s application may include unique requirements. Interested students should contact the county coordinators directly to receive their county’s page application and to determine the deadline for submission. 

Selected pages serve two nonconsecutive weeks, during the thirteen weeks of session. During the 13 weeks of session, which runs from the second week in January to early April, each page serves one week during the first seven weeks and returns for a second week of service during the last six. The duties of the page revolve around the schedule of the chamber. Whenever the chamber is in session, pages must be present.

Each page is paid a stipend of $55 per day worked to help defray expenses. Lodging and meals must be paid by the page. Lodging is arranged by the Page Office for pages outside Anne Arundel County who request housing. If an Anne Arundel County page would like to stay in page housing, it is arranged on a space available basis. Pages stay in homes within walking or a short driving distance of the State House. The cost of housing is $25 per night. If a page is going to lodge with family or friends in the Annapolis area, written permission of a parent or guardian must be submitted to the Page Office. Transportation is the responsibility of the page. 

For the name of a County Coordinator, or if you have any questions, please feel free to email Tawana Offer at