Legislative Intern Program for College Students

Established in 1980, the Maryland General Assembly’s Legislative Intern Program provides college and university students internship opportunities with legislative offices during session. Upon acceptance into the program, these students begin their prestigious internship within the halls of the Maryland State House, the oldest state capitol in continuous legislative use in the nation. During session, interns not only gain exposure to the daily operations of a legislative office, but they also develop a deeper understanding of Maryland’s democratic process through a variety of impactful work and experiences.
- Monday, September 09, 2024: Application Opens
Applications accepted for the 2025 Legislative Intern Program. Students may apply online. Program Announcement is sent to Maryland colleges and universities.
- Tuesday, October 15, 2024: Application Deadline
All applications and accompanying materials are due.
- November - December 2024: Review & Selection
Applications are reviewed, interviews are conducted, and candidates are selected.
- Tuesday, December 10, 2024: Notification Deadline
Selected candidates are notified of their placement.
- Tuesday, January 07, 2025: In-Person Orientation
Interns of the Legislative Intern Program attend a mandatory in-person, all-day orientation in Annapolis.
- Monday, January 06, 2025 - Friday, April 11, 2025: Dates of the Legislative Intern Program
Internships are for 14 full weeks and include the dates of the 2025 Legislative Session.
Interns must work two to five days per week, with one day falling on either a Wednesday or Thursday each week for mandatory programming. Most legislators would like their interns to work two to three days per week. Since the legislature does not take any holidays during its 90-day session, interns must commit to a weekly work schedule with no holidays or spring break.
A stipend is awarded to each legislative intern. The total stipend varies, depending on the number of hours per week the student serves as an intern during the legislative session. Please note, all stipends are taxable income and paid in two installments throughout the term. The stipend amounts are listed below:
2 days/16 hours per week = $3,360 (14 weeks)
3 days/24 hours per week = $5,040 (14 weeks)
4 days/32 hours per week = $6,720 (14 weeks)
5 days/40 hours per week = $8,400 (14 weeks)
Transportation is not provided, nor are overnight accommodations. Free parking is available at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, and free shuttle service is provided between the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium and the Maryland State Government Complex.The type of work assigned to interns is mainly legislative, although some duties are clerical in nature. Legislative responsibilities may include:
- Conducting research
- Drafting correspondence
- Preparing, recording, and reporting testimony
- Contacting witnesses
- Attending committee hearings
- Tracking bills
- Working on mailings
- Responding to constituents' inquiries
- Writing newsletters
In addition, a variety of programming is conducted throughout the internship, including seminars, trainings, events, and activities.
Applicants may be from any major, but should possess a high degree of maturity, responsibility, and professionalism, and be highly motivated to succeed. All applicants must demonstrate academic ability and receive the positive recommendation of their school sponsor.
The Legislative Intern Program is open to individuals who meet all of the following requirements:
- Presently enrolled in a public or independent college or university within the state of Maryland
- At least 18 years of age
- Graduated high school
- Receive academic credit for the internship*
- Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average
- Have proof of competency in college composition
- Receive sponsorship by a professor, advisor, or career services representative from their school
- Able to work in Annapolis a minimum of two days each week during the 14-week program, to include a Wednesday or Thursday
*If your college or university does not offer credit for this internship, we support independent academic credit requests. While we do not arrange academic credit for you, if your college or university is willing to establish an independent academic credit program, we can work with you and your institution to accommodate these efforts.
Applications will be accepted September 9 – October 15, 2024. Legislative offices conduct interviews and make their selections through early December. Those not initially selected will be notified and may opt to remain an active candidate for late selection through the second and final round closing January 6. Interns may be placed with legislative offices, committees, caucuses, or delegations. PLEASE NOTE: not all applicants are selected for an internship and should plan accordingly.
Applicants must submit the following information with their application:
- Resumé (PDF Format)
- Unofficial transcript (PDF Format)
- Essay (PDF Format)
- A brief description of yourself, interests in State government, and your objectives for an internship with the Maryland General Assembly (approximately 200 words)
- A brief description of yourself, interests in State government, and your objectives for an internship with the Maryland General Assembly (approximately 200 words)
- Sponsor Information (In application)
- Applicants must also provide the name and contact information for their sponsor (professor, advisor, or career services representative from their school). In addition to recommending an applicant for the internship, a sponsor confirms that the applicant will receive credit for the internship and agrees to provide guidance, if needed. Sponsors will be contacted following the submission of an application to confirm their endorsement.
PLEASE NOTE, you cannot save your progress. Once you begin, you must complete the application in its entirety. The application will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. You will need the following documents, ready to upload (in PDF format):
- Resumé
- Transcript (unofficial copy)
- Essay (see instructions above)
BEFORE YOU BEGIN, if you are a permanent resident of Maryland, click the following link to determine your Maryland Legislative District (state level): Find My Representatives. You will need your Maryland Legislative District (NOT Congressional!) to complete the application. Click the “Lookup” tab to search by address. Warning: if you navigate away from the application to look up your district, all previously entered information will be lost.