Catalog Search Tips

If you cannot find what you’re looking for or need help for any reason, please contact a librarian

  • The “Advanced Search” link, which can also be found to the right of the “Search” button on the catalog page, gives you more options for your search.
  • On the search results page, you can narrow your selections further by using the “Limit Search Results” options on the left side of the page.
  • Use the “Author” search under “All Fields” to search by agency name.
  • To see item details from the search results page, you can click on either the title or the book icon.

Creating Lists

You can create a list of titles from within the search results page that may be printed or emailed. To create a list, search the catalog.
From the search results page:

  • Mark the check-box next each item you want to add to your list
  • Click  “Select an Action” to choose add to list, email, or print
    Your search will NOT be permanently saved.
  • When you CLOSE your browser, your list will disappear.