DLS Staff - Alphabetical

The phone numbers for the extensions begin with 410-946-XXXX or 301-970-XXXX.

Name Position Division Phone Office
Abishe, Matusala Y. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Adam, Abdullah I. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Adesanya, Isaiah W. Recycle Clerk Facilities 5100 OSS
Adja, Arnold H. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Adler, Joshua S. Asst Director Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Albert, Sarah T. Library Assistant Library & Information Services 5400 OPA
Alexander, Eric Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Alfaro, Jazmine P. Editor Graphics 5165 OSS
Allen, Oslar G. Recycle Clerk Facilities 5180 OSS
Allison, Elizabeth J. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Andrade, Nathaly S. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Anthony, Phillip S. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Auerback, Adam M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Austin-Washburn, Claire H. Administrative Support Budget Support 0667 OPA
Babich, Tyler N. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Bachman, Johanna K. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Bailey, Jasmon L. Policy Analyst Racial & Equity Impact Notes 5510 OPA
Baker, Sara J. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Banks, Daneen M. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Baran, Kira R. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Barton, Kenneth R. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Bateman, Elizabeth A. Librarian Library Reference Services 5400 OPA
Bennett, Matthew J. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Bierc, Rebecca M. Member Accounting Supervisor Member Accounting 5030 OSS
Billard, Kevin M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Binder, Allison H. Program Evaluator Office of Prog Eval and Govt Acctblty 5560 OPE
Bishop, Nicole D. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Bishop, Ryan Director of Policy Analysis Policy Analysis 5350 OPA
Blanchard, Brooke E. Support Engineer Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Bliss, Michael K. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Blocher-Moran, Jacquelyn Director of Professional Dev & Admin Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Boice, Caroline L. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Bond, Duane C. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Booze, Justine D. Accounts Payable Supervisor Accounts Payable 5030 OSS
Botts, Jennifer K. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Boyd, Leslie M. Editor Editing 5172 OPA
Brady, Carol A. Cataloging/Indexing Manager Library Cataloging Services 5400 OPA
Braun, Anne W. Legislative Manager - Operating Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Breighner, Shane C. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Brice, Jean J. Chief Information Officer Information Technology Office 5300 OSS
Brock, Efe J. Information Services Assistant Information Services 5400 OPA
Brooks, Tiffany N. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Brown, Jammie A. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Brown, Jynelle V. Technical Specialist Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Brown, Laureen T. Staff Accountant Member Accounting 5030 OSS
Brownell, Davin A. Administrative Support Fiscal Notes Support 5530 OPA
Buckman, Thomas F. Support Engineer Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Burch, Hiram L. Manager Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Burton, Raymond G. Audit Manager Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Burton, Wanda R. Library Tech Asst Supervisor Library Acquisition Services 5400 OPA
Butler, George H. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Buzard, Matthew F. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Calcagno, Anthony V. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Caldwell, Kevin D. Editor Editing 5150 OPA
Cannon, Katylee M. Administrative Support Budget Support 5530 OPA
Carbaugh, Summer L. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Carnelio, Sporthi J. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Carpenter, Matthew W. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Carrell, Janice T. Printing Operator Printing Services 5180 OSS
Carroll, Rosemarie S. Editor Editing 5172 OPA
Carter, Georgeanne A. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Carter, J Camille A. Editor Editing 5170 OPA
Cash, Jacob C. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5300 OPA
Cassidy, Karen E. Senior Manager Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Cavanaugh, Patrick J. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Cerame, Rebekah I. Librarian Library Reference Services 5400 OPA
Chamberlin, Charlotte M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Chambers, Grover K. Printing Operator Printing Services 5180 OSS
Chaney, Elisabeth R. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Charocopos, Anna M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Chasse, Jennifer B. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Cheema, Muhammad S. Systems Analyst Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Cheese, Marcus J. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Chilson, Jodie L. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Chimento, Thea A. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Chong, Peter W. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Christopher, Olivia A. Graphic Designer Graphics 5165 OSS
Ciaglo, Ashley G. Editing Supervisor Editing 5172 OPA
Clark, Javon Facilities Clerk Facilities 5100 OSS
Clark, Robert W. Systems Analyst Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Clark, Vanessa I. Administrative Support Bill Drafting Support 5392 OPA
Clarke, Catherine M. Audit Manager Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Cleckler Alcott, Hillary J. Policy Analyst Legislation 5510 OPA
Coale, Theresa E. Librarian Library Cataloging Services 5400 OPA
Coates, Amario N. Printing Operator Printing Services 5180 OSS
Coffey, R. Brendan Audit Manager Information Systems Audits 5900 OLA
Coles, Michelle D. Budget & Financial Analysis Manager Budget & Financial Analysis 5030 OSS
Connolly, Brooke N. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer Human Resources 5120 OSS
Cook, Lesley G. Manager Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Cooper, Barbara A. Audit Manager Trainee Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Corbett, John A. Support Engineer Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Covington, Tari J. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Craig, Paul D. Distribution Clerk Distribution Services 5065 OSS
Curtis, Clifton B. Facilities Clerk Facilities 5010 OSS
Curtis, Kevin A. Distribution Clerk Distribution Services 5065 OSS
Daniels, Dana A. Lead Payroll Specialist Payroll Operations 5120 OSS
Daniels, Grant S. Supply Clerk Procurement & Supply 5025 OSS
Davis, Matthew J. Editor Editing 5165 OPA
Davis, Michelle L. Manager Racial & Equity Impact Notes 5200 OPA
Dayya, Ali A. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Dempsey, Mya P. Supervisor Executive Director's Office 5501 OPA
Denz, Paul R. Asst Director Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Der, Lynn H. Document Processing Operator Bill Processing 5150 OPA
Devadas, Amy A. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
DiMeglio, Matthew L. Graphic Designer Graphics 5165 OSS
Dincau, Kelly G. Manager Legislation 5350 OPA
Dorsey, James R. Distribution Manager Distribution Services 5065 OSS
Douglas, Amanda L. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Downs, Eric Printing Operator Printing Services 5180 OSS
Duke, Jordan T. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Duncan, Richard L. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Ebert, Courtney L. Editor Editing 5150 OPA
Edmonds, Keli R. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Edossa, Bekana Audit Manager Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Edwards, John B. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Elder, Thomas S. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Elder, Willard F. Information Services Assistant Information Services 5400 OPA
Fahnestock, David R. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Flynn, Cristen C. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Foelster, Mia W. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Ford, Megan E. Visitors Coordinator Information Services 5400 OPA
Forrester, John T. Supply Clerk Procurement & Supply 5050 OSS
Forrester, Michael G. Facilities Clerk Facilities 5100 OSS
Fournier, Dorian A. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Fowler, James M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Foxworth, Alexis B. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Franchak, Lauren E. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Francis, Nicole L. Printing Operator Printing Services 5180 OSS
Frank, Patrick S. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Fretwell, Samuel T. Support Engineer Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Gable, Roberta R. Editor Editing 5150 OPA
Garcia, Jesus A. Administrative Support Fiscal Notes Support 5510 OPA
Garrett, Mindy R. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Gartrell, Barry L. Systems Analyst Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Garvey, Edgar T. Systems Analyst Information Systems Audits 5900 OLA
Gates, Scott P. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Gay, Brittany N. Program Evaluator Office of Prog Eval and Govt Acctblty 5560 OPE
Geary, Deborah A. Information Services Assistant Information Services 5403 OPA
Gilani, Dominic F. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Goff, James A. Chief Financial Officer Finance Services 5030 OSS
Gonglewski, Matthew K. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Goodman, Stacy M. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Gray, Andrew D. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Gregory, Michael A. Inventory Clerk Inventory 5100 OSS
Grimm, Colin P. Graphics Design Supervisor Graphics 5165 OSS
Gruber, Victoria L. Executive Director Department of Legislative Services 5500 OPA
Gugig, Hilary B. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Gundlach, Amber R. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5510 OPA
Gutberlet, Joseph C. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Hagenbuch, Mark S. Audit Manager Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Hajcak, Stephen J. Editor Editing 5172 OPA
Haldeman, Annette K. Library Coordinator Library & Information Services 5400 OPA
Hall, Andrew R. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Hall, Victoria H. Program Evaluator Office of Prog Eval and Govt Acctblty 5560 OPE
Ham, Donavan A. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Harrison, Shaunee L. Assistant Attorney General Attorney General's Office 5600 OPA
Hartlein, Maria S. Supervisor Fiscal Notes Support 5530 OPA
Haskel, Emily R. Manager - Capital Fiscal & Policy Analysis 5350 OPA
Hayes, Linda D. Graphics and Printing Services Manager Graphics & Printing Services 5165 OSS
Hayward, Katherine K. Supervisor Budget Support 5530 OPA
Heigh, Antoine M. Printing Operator Printing Services 5180 OSS
Henrietta, Nancy E. Student Programs Assistant Page and Intern Program 5120 OSS
Henry, Matthew P. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Herndon, Marcus V. Library Technical Services Assistant Library Acquisition Services 5400 OPA
Hickey, Maurice P. Systems Analyst Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Hill, Tatiana K. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Hinds, Charles H. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Hogan, Ana M. Training Coordinator Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Holcomb, Amberly E. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Holt, Tiffani L. Procurement & Supply Manager Procurement & Supply 5025 OSS
Hopkins, Nelson W. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Hopwood, Erin R. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Horan, Walter L. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Howard, William J. Technician Technical Support Services 5230 OSS
Hudson, McKinley Document Processing Operator Bill Processing 5150 OPA
Hyde, Laura H. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Iffland, Kyle A. Customer Service Coordinator Graphics 5164 OSS
Ingwersen, Callie S. Administrative Support Budget Support 5530 OPA
Jackson, Kareem R. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Jersey, Stephen P. Director Information Systems Audits 5900 OLA
Johanning, Ken H. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Johnson, Daniel G. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Johnson, Marsha Project Manager Information Technology Office 5300 OSS
Johnston, Alistair M. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Jones, Amanda M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Kalliongis, Demetra Editing Supervisor Editing 5150 OPA
Kamara, Kelvin Support Engineer Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Kasten, Jacob M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Katz, Menachem Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Kendall, Edward O. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Kennedy, Kathleen P. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Kennedy, Scott D. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Kettell, Ralph W. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Kim, Albert S. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Kinchen, Damien M. Support Engineer Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
King, Julia M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Kleiman, Joel E. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Klein, Matthew D. Manager - Capital Fiscal & Policy Analysis 5530 OPA
Knight, Tamiko C. Human Resources Assistant Human Resources 5120 OSS
Kohler, Heather L. Senior Manager Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Kohler, Matthew L. Senior Manager Infrastructure Support Services 5300 OSS
Komuro, Naomi M. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Konsowski, Timothy D. Technical Support Analyst Information Systems Audits 5900 OLA
Kraemer, Thomas J. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Lambert, Michele Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Lancaster, Jameson D. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Lannon, Cathy A. Fiscal Clerk Accounts Payable 5030 OSS
Larimer, Brynn A. Administrative Support Bill Drafting Support 5510 OPA
Lazun, Mary J. Librarian Library Reference Services 5400 OPA
Lee, Long F. Library Technical Services Assistant Library Acquisition Services 5400 OPA
Lemieux, Crystal L. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Leveling, Annie E. Administrative Support Bill Drafting Support 5350 OPA
Lissau, Donald L. Manager Administration 5180 OSS
Long- Grant, Owen M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Lorek, Karie L. Training & Recruitment Specialist Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Lucas, Kelvin V. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Luckner, Lisa J. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Lynch Pyon, Andrea G. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
MacDonagh, Heather N. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Mahan, Michelle Benefits Coordinator Human Resources 5120 OSS
Mai, Chau D. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Marte, Raymond S. Graphic Designer Graphics 5765 OSS
Martinez, Victoria M. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Mathis, Lori L. Director Operations and Support Services 5120 OSS
Matos, Ralph Audio/Video Coordinator Audio Video Technical Support 5300 OSS
Mayer, Beth T. Information Services Assistant Information Services 5400 OPA
Mayhew, Grant S. Program Evaluator Office of Prog Eval and Govt Acctblty 5560 OPE
McCarty, Laura J. Manager Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
McClelland, Samuel C. Editor Editing 5172 OPA
McConville, Mindy L. Administrative Support Executive Director's Office 5510 OPA
McCulloch, Steven D. Policy Analyst Fiscal & Policy Analysis 5530 OPA
McCurdy, Nathan W. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
McGeeney, Carol Administrative Assistant Library & Information Services 5400 OPA
McGrew, Paul A. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
McMullen, Anna B. Audio Video Support Engineer Audio Video Technical Support 5300 OSS
McRobie, Jessica G. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
McWilliams, Joseph E. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Medeiros, Sandra C. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Mehl, Elizabeth M. Information Services Assistant Information Services 5400 OPA
Merritt, Kamar Administrative Support Fiscal Notes Support 5530 OPA
Merzlak, Maureen R. Administrative Support Policy Analysis 5200 OPA
Meyerson, Tammy A. Distribution Clerk Distribution Services 5074 OSS
Micah, Vickey K. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Mihm, Carol D. Manager Editing and Bill Processing Editing & Bill Processing 5350 OPA
Milbourne, Brittany N. Receptionist Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Miller, Kimberly T. Production Coordinator Editing & Bill Processing 5150 OPA
Miller, Madelyn C. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Mills, Justin M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Moon, Timothy Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Moreland, Emily G. Administrative Support Bill Drafting Support 5510 OPA
Morgan, David C. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Moriarty, Darragh H. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Morton, April M. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Morton, Kevin P. Editor Editing 5172 OPA
Mueller, Sandra J. Library Reference Manager Library Reference Services 5400 OPA
Mullervy, Gloria O. Information Services Supervisor Information Services 5400 OPA
Munroe, Valarie P. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Murdzak, Michael J. Audit Manager Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Nambou, Anya Systems Engineer Infrastructure Support Services 5300 OSS
Nanda, Gopali Systems Analyst Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Necessary, Ryane M. Manager Committee Support 5350 OPA
Nehms, Haley M. Assist Director PD & ADM Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Nestor, Lauren C. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Nguyen Simmons, Nga T. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Nicodemus, Joshua A. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Noren, April J. Administrative Support Fiscal Notes Support 5510 OPA
Norton, Kelly K. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Novak, Jillian A. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Offer, Tawana R. Student Programs Assistant Page and Intern Program 5120 OSS
Ogden, Brett A. Administrative Support Budget Support 5530 OPA
Omoumi, Nima Staff Accountant Budget & Financial Analysis 5030 OSS
O'Neill, Kevin P. Legislative Manager Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Oshenska, Brian J. IT Asset Management Specialist Information Technology Office 5300 OSS
Owen, Trevor S. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Park, Young K. Systems Analyst Information Systems Audits 5900 OLA
Paul, Edwin L. Audit Manager Information Systems Audits 5900 OLA
Pelli, Carolyn C. Human Resources Assistant Human Resources 5120 OSS
Peregoy, Laura E. SAP Systems Analyst SAP Technical Services 5230 OSS
Pierce, Eric F. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5530 OPA
Pilgrim, Shirleen M. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5350 OPA
Pinto, Monica M. Support Engineer Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Pitre, Christopher C. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Podhorniak, James J. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Pollicove, Jacob L. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Pontius, Ian T. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Powell, Dora L. Printing Operator Printing Services 5180 OSS
Powell, Michael C. Director Office of Prog Eval and Govt Acctblty 5560 OPE
Prada, Joshua S. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Price, Charles O. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Pundt, Edward C. Senior Manager SAP Technical Services 5300 OSS
Purcell, Michelle Supervisor Bill Drafting Support 5510 OPA
Quist, Samuel M. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Rafalowski, Nathan M. Editor Editing 5172 OPA
Rai, Yashodhara Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Ramirez, Dianne P. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Raup, Annette R. Office Assistant Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Readmond, Ayden E. Payroll Specialist Payroll Operations 5120 OSS
Regales, Rafael M. Policy Analyst Racial & Equity Impact Notes 5530 OPA
Resney, Alexandra M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Rhea, Samantha J. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Richards, Micah R. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Rife, Effie C. Manager Legislation 5350 OPA
Ringgold, Sarah D. Payroll Specialist Payroll Operations 5120 OSS
Rissanen, Heikki J. Audio Video Support Engineer Audio Video Technical Support 5300 OSS
Rogers, Brooks G. Graphic Designer Graphics 5165 OSS
Romans, David C. Fiscal & Policy Coordinator Fiscal & Policy Analysis 5510 OPA
Rooney, John E. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Ross, Stephen M. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Rossmark, Claire E. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Rowe, Lindsay A. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Rubenstein, Edward A. Audit Manager Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Rubenstein, Michael C. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Sampson, Reshawna O. Systems Analyst Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Sanders, Donald C. Operations Supervisor Bill Processing 5150 OPA
Sanelli, Dominic F. Administrative Support Budget Support 5530 OPA
Sanelli, Michael D. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Sayre, Jennifer N. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Schissler, Erika S. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5530 OPA
Schuler, Jason D. Data Analyst Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Scott, Charity L. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Segbedji, Komlan Systems Analyst Information Technology Office 5300 OSS
Sesker, Ray Support Engineer Technical Support Services 5010 OSS
Shah, Julia K. Document Processing Operator Bill Processing 5350 OPA
Sharma, Yuvaraj N. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Sherman, Claudette M. Administrative Support Bill Drafting Support 5350 OPA
Shin, Edward U. SAP Systems Analyst SAP Technical Services 5300 OSS
Sides, William T. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Sigwald, Richard F. Librarian Library Reference Services 5400 OPA
Smith, Esme N. Editor Editing 5172 OPA
Smith, Matthew D. Systems Engineer Infrastructure Support Services 5300 OSS
Smith, Robert J. Audit Manager Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Smith, Robert K. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Smith, Zoe D. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Souders, Jonathan D. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Sousane, Michael E. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5510 OPA
Spencer, John E. Recycle Clerk Facilities 5180 OSS
Spry, Jay F. Printing Operator Printing Services 5180 OSS
Stamper, David W. Assistant Attorney General Attorney General's Office 5600 OPA
Stancil, Anthony L. Library Technical Services Assistant Library Acquisition Services 5400 OPA
Steadman, Francina Document Processing Operator Bill Processing 5157 OPA
Stell, Elizabeth A. Librarian Library Cataloging Services 5400 OPA
Stern, Etai D. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Stewart, Stephanie L. Librarian Library Cataloging Services 5400 OPA
Streett, Matthew L. Asst Director Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Streett, Stacey D. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Strickland, Jean C. Editor Editing 5172 OPA
Suffin, Nathan H. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Swierski, Alessio D. Systems Analyst Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Tagalicod, Dana K. Manager Committee Support 5350 OPA
Tanen, Brian S. Legislative Auditor Legislative Audits 5900 OLA
Tapia, Samantha M. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Taylor, Shomari A. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Tetlow, Joanne E. Policy Analyst Fiscal Analysis 5350 OPA
Thompson, Scott G. Systems Engineer Infrastructure Support Services 5300 OSS
Thompson, Venise V. Fiscal Clerk Accounts Payable 5030 OSS
Timanus, Christine A. Deputy Legislative Auditor Legislative Audits 5900 OLA
Tirkey, Neha S. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Tracy, Patrick Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Trinh, Tisha N. Human Resources Administrator Human Resources 5120 OSS
Tuck, David A. Editor Editing 5172 OPA
Tumminello-Feeley, Deborah J. Facilities Manager Facilities 5100 OSS
Tuszynski, Theresa M. Policy Analyst Fiscal & Policy Analysis 5510 OPA
Tuttle, Christine M. Report Specialist Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Twigg, James A. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Utterback, Jeffrey F. Print Shop Supervisor Printing Services 5180 OSS
Vandegrift, Holly N. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Vazquez Gonzalez, Sasha M. Human Resources Director Human Resources 5120 OSS
Voight, Benjamin S. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Vuong, Tu N. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Wachter, John B. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Waddy, Theresa A. Office Supervisor Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Waibel, Elizabeth J. Policy Analyst Budget Analysis 5530 OPA
Walbert, Matthew D. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Ward, Stanford D. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
Warriner, Heather A. Audit Manager Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Weaver, Kenneth B. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5530 OPA
Webbert, Brian M. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Weber, Eleanore R. Library Clerk Library Acquisition Services 5400 OPA
Wells, Robert A. Audit Manager Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Welsh, Edward J. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Westover, Adam J. Audit Manager Compliance and Performance Audits 5900 OLA
Whayland Daly, Deadra Ethics Counsel Ethics Counsel 5200 EDO
White, Erica M. Policy Analyst Committee Support 5350 OPA
White, Garrett A. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
White, Richard A. Support Engineer Technical Support Services 5300 OSS
Widmann, Justin J. Systems Analyst Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Williamson, Sumer D. Asst. Operations Supervisor Bill Processing 5150 OPA
Wilson, Nathan R. Administrative Support Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Winter, Diana M. Program Evaluator Office of Prog Eval and Govt Acctblty 5560 OPE
Woodard, Malcolm J. Auditor Audit Staff 5900 OLA
Wright, Wanda D. Accounting Clerk Professional Development & Administratio 5900 OLA
Wroten, Mary A. Fiscal Clerk Accounts Payable 5030 OSS
Yang, Joshua J. Policy Analyst Racial & Equity Impact Notes 5200 OPA
Young, Jennifer L. Policy Analyst Legislation 5350 OPA
Youngman, Jeffrey C. Systems Engineer Infrastructure Support Services 5300 OSS
Zablocki, Jeffrey J. Systems Analyst Legislative System Development 5300 OSS
Zimmerman, Mikaela G. Policy Analyst Racial & Equity Impact Notes 5200 OPA
Zimmerman, Tonya D. Manager - Operating Budget Analysis 5530 OPA